
Various media on how to communicate across languages

A new (2022) website with creative intercomprehension exercises: Europa IC


Yes we can/OUI ON PEUT: Institut Français de Finlande, janvier 2021, webinar

Words that have travelled (Des mot qui ont voyagé):

Intercomprehension videos contents based on this Prezi:

Video #1 is an introduction to the concept of Intercomprehension: Natural, fun, life-long

Video #2 fights misunderstanding language learning and reliance on English

Video #3 on similarities of two kinds, common roots and loan words

Video #4 on ways to break the ice and open up to partial and approximate comprehension

Video #5 on speaking so that foreigners can understand you

Video #6 on the meanings of words and the riches of the ethnosphere

Video #7 on Germanic intercomprehension

Video #8 on how English is a bridge between the Romance and the Germanic languages


Collection of interesting texts on Intercomprehension

English - The Bridge to the Romance Languages. (2011). Aachen: Shaker Verlag (169 pages)

Understanding Unknown Languages, International Maritime English Conference Proceedings 2015 (Johor Bahru, Malaysia)

Grannspråksförståelse LINGUA 3 (2009)

Les enjeux de l'intercompréhension (pages 25-150 + 323-330), 2007, Université de Reims

Русская лексика в шведском язике ха аландских островах, 2011, консул 4 (27)

ICT Workshops for Autonomous Language Learning, Romanische Mehrsprachigkeit und Interkomprehension in Europa (Bonn, Tyskland)