Skolsupport r.f.
VAT number in Finland 3425035-8 MORE about the association HERE
Do you want to be a supporter? Here is a list of SKOL-supporters.
Skolsupport is an association wishing to support schools that are run by people we know and trust. Skolsupport was founded by Erik Hemming (based on the Åland Islands in Finland) after his trip to Uganda in November 2022. So far two schools are supported.
It's easy to lose faith in giving for a good cause. Yet, if the support reaches the target, it makes a big difference. Trust is needed, and SKOLSUPPORT only supports schools that we have visited. They are run by dedicated people we know and trust.
You will meet them on this website. Every contribution is accounted for openly. And the results are reported with text, pictures and videos. Below are links to the two schools we support right now. Please take a look and see iff you want to be part of this effort!