Intercultural Communication
Various media on Intercultural Communication and Rhetoric
Videos on Intercultural Communication (based on this Prezi):
Video #1 is an introduction to ICC including definitions of culture
Video #2 deals with the roots of misunderstanding cultural expressions'
Video #3 discusses the iceberg metaphor of culture, how humans take in signals from their surroundings, and how our interests influence our world view
Video #4 takes up how interests can be keys to good communication and how our values influence our feelings and can lead to conflict
Video #5 looks at bad communication first: walls and wars. Then a broader look at the many areas where ICC takes place
Video #6 shows the sciences involved in ICC and lists why and when ICC is important
Video #7 takes up social systems and how we can analyse human behaviour successfully – although it is difficult
Video #8 is about societies and how they are like labyrinths in which we can find our way by using our capitals wisely – and promote ourselves with symbols and rituals
Video #9 deals with how groups are where the culture has its roots and how we can relate to groups
Video #10 shows examples of how strong masculinity can be a quite unfortunate influence in communication
Сп. „Реторика и комуникации”
ISSN 1314-4464
Prata så att alla förstår (2010)
Intercultural communication improves safety (Scandinavian Shipping Gazette, 2007)
Presentations at World Speech Day 2020